Railway passenger cars
Railway passenger cars
» Train compositions » 2023 » START IR » IR 6515
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Historical train compositions 2023

(11.12.2022 - 9.12.2023)

IR 6515

Eger 10:42, Füzesabony 11:02-11:13, Tiszafüred 11:47, Hortobágy 12:30, Balmazújváros 12:45, Debrecen 13:14
All data are for information only and could have been changed during the timetable validity. The route above doesn't include all stations.
H 87a  H 108 

Scheduled composition   (3)

Scheduled composition 28.8.2023 - 5.10.2023
Scheduled composition 6.10.2023 - 8.10.2023
Scheduled composition 9.10.2023 - 9.12.2023

Scheduled composition 28.8.2023 - 5.10.2023


START 416 m

Posted: kemenymate | Last update: 23.8.2023 | Permanent link | Report a bug | Bad translation? | Add real composition of this train (old) | hu > en

Scheduled composition 6.10.2023 - 8.10.2023

Eger 10:42, Füzesabony 11:02-11:13, Tiszafüred 11:47, Hortobágy 12:30, Balmazújváros 12:44-12:49, Debrecen 13:29


START 416 m
Eger - Balmazújváros

Balmazújváros - Debrecen

Posted: kemenymate | Last update: 6.10.2023 | Permanent link | Report a bug | Bad translation? | Add real composition of this train (old) | hu > en

Scheduled composition 9.10.2023 - 9.12.2023


START 416 m

Posted: kemenymate | Last update: 6.10.2023 | Permanent link | Report a bug | Bad translation? | Add real composition of this train (old) | hu > en

Real compositions   (7)

Thu 30.11.2023 for the section: Eger - Hortobágy (-Debrecen)
Sun 26.11.2023 at station: Balmazújváros
Sat 18.11.2023 at station: Poroszló

Real composition on: Thu 30.11.2023 for the section: Eger - Hortobágy (-Debrecen)


START 416 m
Eger - Hortobágy (-Debrecen)
95 55 1 416 036-0

i Changes direction at Füzesabony. From Hortobágy runs as Sz 6625

Posted: Konrad Gergits, konradgergits(at)gmail(dot)com | Last update: 30.11.2023 | Data source: From other source | Permanent link | Report a bug | Add real composition of this train (old) | en > en

Real composition on: Sun 26.11.2023 at station: Balmazújváros


START 117 m
95 55 0 117 370-7

50 55 24-29 640-5

95 55 0 117 394-7

Posted: RendszeresTaska | Last update: 26.11.2023 | Data source: Derived from another train | Permanent link | Report a bug | Bad translation? | Add real composition of this train (old) | hu > en

Real composition on: Sat 18.11.2023 at station: Poroszló


START 416 m
95 55 1 416 040-2

Posted: RendszeresTaska | Last update: 18.11.2023 | Data source: From other source | Permanent link | Report a bug | Bad translation? | Add real composition of this train (old) | hu > en

Information are without guarantee. Data were processed with high care, but there are some errors or inaccuracies possible. There can also be some changes at train compositions. Timetable and restrictions of trains run is for information only, please check this information in the timetable.
We welcome all notices on any error or inaccuracy. You can use the Bug report below each train, email address vagonweb(at) or email shows below the train to contact us.

Pictures by (©): Jiří Vaněk, Iván Zoltán, Daniel Hentschel, Martin Zedník, Jaroslav Šilhan, Kubze, Juan Carlos Alonso Mostaza, Till Schäfer, James McDonald, Martin Baier, Łukasz Paduch, Filip Španihel, Hans van der Want, Adam Vanting, Bogdan Spanoche-Stoenescu, kraken, Sorin Oprisan (, no-night, Sven Eger, Sebastian, Matěj Maděra, Krzysztof Dobrzański, Daniele Vasta, Gert Gouman, Florian Albers, lolingpl, Marius Ionescu, Bymák, Adrian Schmid, Dani Egger-Jetzer, Kai Michael Neuhold, Jürgen Hoffmann, ic_125, Thomas Kaufmann, Philipp Groß, Vlk, EN57, Marc Le Gad (CC BY-NC-SA), Giorgio Stagni, Christoph Omlin, Don Balsi, Hans-Martin Hebsaker, Stefano Conti, Claudio Vianini, niko1266, Gobat, EC 117, emenouz, Fordan, Thomas Niederl, Ralf Triller, pd.

Railway passenger cars